
Interdisciplinary Orthodontics

Interdisciplinary Orthodontics

Orthodontics can play a major role in improving the outcome of several dental treatments.  Science of dentistry is advancing in leaps and bounds. With current technology and modified treatment approaches, dental treatment outcomes are better and better. Today everyone is well aware about importance dental health and esthetics and deserves the best possible dental care. Excellent treatment outcomes many a times involves expertise from various dental specialties coming together to deliver the best possible results in terms of esthetics, function, health and stability of the entire dentition.

There are many clinical situations involving other dental treatments where orthodontics can improve the quality of dental treatment results, cost effectiveness and longevity of the dentition along with preserving naturality of the dentition.

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  • Utilization of existing extraction spaces for better arrangement of teeth
  • Closure of molar extraction spaces to avoid artificial teeth replacements like implants and bridges
  • Correction of unnatural tipping / overeruption of teeth in long standing extraction spaces to allow artificial teeth replacements with implants / bridges without compromising the health of other natural dentition and quality of replacements
  • Implant site preparation by orthodontic extrusion of broken root pieces to gain adequate bone width and height.
  • Leveling of gingival margins of teeth in esthetic zones for restoration of broken / worn out and supraerupted teeth to bring about lifelike and esthetic restorations.
  • Improvement of closed bites causing traumatic occlusion and restoration of worn out teeth to restore functional occlusion
  • Improvement of bony pockets, correction of pathologic migration of teeth in periodontal disease where orthodontic teeth movement can improve the bone support to teeth and increase longevity of dentition


This patient had periodontal bone loss exposing the roots of front teeth. Also the upper molar on the left had over erupted into long standing missing teeth space in lower arch, therefore no replacement was possible. Orthodontic treatment not only improved the periodontal condition, but also overerupted molars were intruded to make space for replacement of missing teeth in lower arch.

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Deep bite and traumatic occlusion leading to teeth wear and unesthetic smile

Long standing deep bites can lead to excessive wear of teeth causing reduction in teeth height and uneasthetic smile. To restore the teeth length, sufficient bite clearance is required to allow  restorative build ups of worn out teeth. Fixed orthodontics can accomplish the teeth movements to allow this clearance, after which restorative treatment can be undertaken to restore original anatomic form of the teeth.

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